Cucumis - Ingyenes fordito szerviz közvetlen vonalban
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Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol 5000 members
[b]M[/b]ore than 5000 members have registered with and it's the opportunity to remind that without its members is nothing. Thanks to the members who spend part of their spare time for the community and [b]a special thanks to the experts of cucumis[/b], who check and edit all translations to make them as good as possible.
Waiting for the 10000th member, there is a lot of work to do here, making the interface more clear, the search of translations more easy, developing the project section, and the language course section too...

[img=]Top chart: number of members. Bottom chart: number of new members each day[/img] [img=]Members by country[/img]

Befejezett forditàsok
Portugál 5000 Membros
Brazíliai portugál 5000 membros
Bulgár 5000 члена
Olasz 5000 membri
Német 5000 Mitglieder
Francia 5000 membres
Holland 5000 leden
Spanyol 5000 miembros
Arab 5000 عضو
Orosz 5000 участников
Török 5000 üye
Héber 5000 מנוים
Katalán 5000 membres
Román 5000 de membri
Leegyszerüsített kínai 5000会员
Japán 登録メンバー5000人
Eszperantó 5000 anoj
Albán 5000 anëtarë
Svéd 5000 medlemmar